The book chapter, which has received the publisher's scientific guarantee, is a piece of data integrated into bibliographic reference software.
The book chapter is an ideal resource for multiplying citations in dissertations, theses and research works.
To quote a chapter in a bibliography
NAMES, names or initials of the authors. Title of the chapter. In: Title of the book and additional title in italics. Edition statement. Secondary creators. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication, volume numbering, pagination of the game. Title of the collection, n ° of the collection. ISBN.
Chapter of an online book
NAMES, names or initials of the authors. Title of the chapter. In: Title of the book and title supplement in italics [online]. Edition statement. Secondary creators. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication, volume numbering, pagination of the game. [Consulted on dd / mm / yyyy]. Title of the collection, n ° of the collection. ISBN or DOI. Available at: URL or